80/20 Guest Pass Details

Would you like to be a guest at our upcoming 80/20 Virtual Intensive?

Step 1:

The event is on Tuesday and Wednesday this week (December 14th/15th) from 11-5EST. 

If you can make it, move to the next step:

Step 2:

Next, Where is Your Business Currently?

Are you in the start-up stage in your
real estate investing business?

If you're doing under $10k per month in your business, our STARTER BLUEPRINT will help you move forward fast and get some more traction.

Already doing over $10k per month as a real estate investor?

Take 2 minutes to fill in the form below and we'll send you the registration form straight away.


I've learned more about running a business than in my MBA program...

Whether you're new or you've been in business awhile like me, the Academy has let me build my business to serve ME instead of the other way around.

"The best money I've ever spent" - Bemate Bomboma

"This has been a gift from god for us to have the opportunity to plug into this collective wisdom."

Let's work ON our businesses together